Gender-Based Abuse Research and Knowledge Hub

Established to help make research in the area of gender-based abuse more coherent, connected, engaged and impactful.

About this Project

Whitney leaning against a railing on a downtown street

This project will promote and facilitate partnerships between a wide range of stakeholders researchers, policy makers, the criminal justice system, community organisations and people directly and indirectly affected by the issues and:

  • Identify and address significant gaps in GBA research
  • Facilitate engaged research that will be translated into social action and societal change
  • Bridge the evidence–practice gap that currently exists
  • Accelerate the adoption of new evidence in professional education and training, policy formulation and practice.
  • Establish relationships across the island of Ireland, the UK, the EU and internationally.

"Engaged research and research translation aim to bridge the evidence to practice and policy gap."

About us

Haven Horizons and EDGE (Exploring Diversity, Gender and Equality Research Group), at Technological University Shannon Region: Midwest developed a collaborative partnership under a Memorandum of Understanding in 2018. The vision of the partnership was to establish a National Research and Knowledge Hub on Gender-Based Abuse.

Haven Horizons - National Education and Research Centre

Haven Horizons is a national education and research centre focused on the elimination of domestic, sexual and gender-based abuse and the associated gender inequalities.

EDGE Research Group, TUS (Exploring Diversity, Gender and Equality)

EDGE Research Group is part of the Social Sciences ConeXions Research Institute at TUS. EDGE investigates a broad range of topics related to the ways in which issues of equality and diversity impact on people in contemporary society. Core principles underpinning social research undertaken in TÚS involves a commitment to conducting research that is engaged, practical and useful to practitioners, people directly affected by the issue, and policy makers. The Haven Horizons and EDGE collaboration received funding from the Irish Research Council’s New Foundations programme to establish the Research and Knowledge Hub on Gender-Based Abuse.

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